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Please click on treatment for more detailed information

Lower Extremity

Augmentative Modalities

Physical Therapy

Botox (For Headaches)

Head, Upper Extremity

Caudal Steroid Injections

Lower Back, Lower Extremity

Cervical Steroid Injections

Neck, Upper Extremity

Cluneal Nerve Block

Lower Back, Lower Extremity

Coccygeal Nerve Block

Lower Back, Upper Extremity

Disc Denervation

Lower Back, Upper Back

Facet Joint Injections

Neck, Upper Back

Ganglion Impar Blocks

Lower Back, Lower Extremity

Hardware Blocks

Lower Back, Upper Back

Interscalene Blocks

Neck, Upper Extremity

Knee Joint Injections

Lower Extremity

Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection

Lower Back, Lower Extremity

Lumbar Facet Blocks

Lower Back, Neck, Upper Back

Medial Branch Blocks

Lower Back, Upper Back

Myofascial Cupping

Physical Therapy

Patient Education

Physical Therapy

Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS)

Lower Extremity, Upper Extremity

Platelet Rich Plasma Injections (PRP)

Lower Back, Lower Extremity, Pelvic, Upper Extremity

Radio Frequency Ablation

Lower Back, Upper Back

Sacral Nerve Stimulation

Lower Back, Lower Extremity

Sacroiliac Joint Injection (SI Joint)

Lower Back, Lower Extremity

Sciatic Nerve Blocks

Lower Back, Lower Extremity

Spinal Cord Stimulation

Lower Back, Upper Extremity

Stem Cell Therapy

Lower Extremity, Upper Extremity

Superion InterSpinous Spacer

Lower Back, Upper Back

Trigger Point Injections

Lower Extremity, Upper Extremity