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Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee

Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee Despite its ubiquitous presence in most of our lives and modern society’s dependence on...

Origins of Medicine: Physical Therapy

Origins of Medicine: Physical Therapy If you have recovered from a serious injury or major surgery, then you probably...

Origins of Medicine: Western Medicine

Origins of Medicine: Western Medicine Although the science that informs modern medicine is constantly evolving, many of the core...

What Is Evidence-Based Medicine?

What Is Evidence-Based Medicine? Although few doctors want to admit it, medical information has varying degrees of reliability. For...

What Is Multi-Modal Treatment and Why Is It Essential for Pain Management?

What Is Multi-Modal Treatment and Why Is It Essential for Pain Management? If you walk into a hospital with...

Posterior Sacroiliac Fusion Procedures

Posterior Sacroiliac Fusion Procedures At the base of the spine are the sacroiliac joints, which join the spine to...

September Is Pain Awareness Month

September Is Pain Awareness Month Since 2001, September has been designated as Pain Awareness Month by the American Chronic...

Dorsal Root Ganglion Neuromodulation

Dorsal Root Ganglion Neuromodulation Chronic pain is not like acute pain. With acute pain, there is an injury or...

Low Impact Exercise Options for People with Chronic Conditions

Low Impact Exercise Options for People with Chronic Conditions If you are looking for a way to increase your...

The Pros and Cons of Intermittent Fasting

The Pros and Cons of Intermittent Fasting You may have heard about intermittent fasting and wondered what it is...