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Living with Trigeminal Neuralgia

Living with Trigeminal Neuralgia Trigeminal neuralgia is a rare chronic pain condition that affects about 12 people in every...

Fybromyalgia and Headaches?

Fybromyalgia and Headaches? It is decidedly unfair that such a burdensome and painful condition as fibromyalgia should often occur...

Can Dementia Be Impacted by Social Isolation?

Can Dementia Be Impacted by Social Isolation? As social entities, human beings require regular interactions with other people to...

Coping With Arthritis

Coping with Arthritis Arthritis is one of the most common health conditions in the U.S. with an estimated 54...

COVID-19 vs Spanish Flu

COVID-19 vs Spanish Flu As the world of the 21st century struggles to rein in the COVID-19 pandemic, many...

What to do for Seasonal Allergies

What to Do for Seasonal Allergies Seasonal allergies affect more than 36 million Americans every year and cause a...

Home Remedies vs. Interventional Procedures for Sciatica

Home Remedies vs. Interventional Procedures for Sciatica Sciatica is an extremely painful condition that results when the sciatic nerve...

Fibromyalgia Treatment Options

Fibromyalgia Treatment Options Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal pain condition that presents often with fatigue as well as mood, sleep...

Understanding Peripheral and Central Sensitization

Understanding Peripheral and Central Sensitization The human nervous system is an extremely complex network of nerve receptors, transmission fibers,...

Long-Term Effects of COVID-19

Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 It has only been a few months since COVID-19 began sickening people in China before...