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Dry Needling for Back Pain

Dry Needling for Back Pain Back pain is one of the most common health conditions with almost four in...

Weight Loss and Chronic Pain

Weight Loss and Chronic Pain Almost everyone knows that it is unhealthy to be overweight, but far fewer people...

How Your Immune System Works

How Your Immune System Works Your immune system is essential in fighting off infections caused by bacteria, viruses and...

Natural Remedies for Sleep Aids

Natural Remedies for Sleep Aids You spend almost a third of your life asleep, so it is very important...

Holiday Gift Guide for People with Chronic Pain

Holiday Gift Guide for People with Chronic Pain It is once again the season of giving, and you can...

Tai Chi for Chronic Pain Patients

Tai Chi for Chronic Pain Patients If you suffer from chronic pain, then your doctor has probably told you...

How Do Vaccines Work and Are They Safe?

How Do Vaccines Work and Are They Safe? For more than two centuries, vaccines have been essential in the...

What is Cupping and How Can It Help My Chronic Pain?

What is Cupping and How Can It Help My Chronic Pain? You may have seen images of physicians from...

Effects of Covid-19 on the Opioid Crisis

Effects of Covid-19 on the Opioid Crisis It is easy to forget in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic...

Chronic Pain Conditions that Are Hereditary

Chronic Pain Conditions that Are Hereditary Pain that persists for longer than three months is designated as chronic pain. ...