cold weather and pain - Colorado Pain Care

Cold Weather and Pain

Temperature is a constant feature of our environment, so it is important to have a good understanding of how...
Spinal Compression Fracture symptoms & treatment

Everything You Should Know about Spinal Compression Fractures

Your spine is the central support for your trunk, neck and head. As a result, it plays a critical...
Protect Your Lower Back - Colorado Pain Care

Eight Suggestions to Protect Your Lower Back

Lower back pain is a fact of life for millions of people. Most people accept it as a part...
Nutrtion and osteoporosis - Colorado Pain Care

Nutrition and Osteoporosis: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Health

If you have ever broken a bone, then you know what a terrifying experience it is. Not only is...
Adult Degenerative Scoliosis - Colorado Pain Care

What is Adult Degenerative Scoliosis

There are few structures in the human body as important as the spine. The 24 vertebrae that make up...

What you need to know about spinal stenosis

Almost every chronic back pain condition is extremely unpleasant, but one of the most excruciating is spinal stenosis. Spinal...
sitting and back pain Colorado Pain Care

Prolonged Sitting & Back Pain

If you have ever encountered back pain, then you understand how difficult it can be. When you do experience...
Myalgia muscle pain relief - Colorado Pain Care

Myalgia or Muscle Pain: Causes and Treatments

You may not recognize the medical term for it, but you will probably recognize the symptoms of myalgia.  Myalgia...
Alcohol and chronic pain - Colorado Pain Care

The Impact of Alcohol on Chronic Pain

For many people, the end of the day signals a time to set aside the burdens of work and...
knee pain - Colorado Pain Care

Causes and Treatments for Knee Pain

Your knees are important joints since they are critical to walking, lifting and sitting, but they are also extremely...