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Difference between COVID and Flu

Difference between COVID and Flu There are many similarities between COVID-19 and the flu, but the differences are significant...

What Is Herd Immunity and Can It Be Achieved without Vaccines?

What Is Herd Immunity and Can It Be Achieved without Vaccines? As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic is inching...

Psychological Benefit of Owning a Dog

Psychological Benefit of Owning a Dog Anyone who owns a pet understands that there are many important benefits to...

Risks Associated with the Delta Variant

Risks Associated with the Delta Variant The COVID-19 pandemic has brought much of the world to a standstill in...

The Importance of Wearing Sunscreen

The Importance of Wearing Sunscreen The summer months are finally here, and with more Americans vaccinated against COVID-19, this...

What Measures Can I Take to Safely Attend a Doctor’s Appointment during COVID-19?

What Measures Can I Take to Safely Attend a Doctor’s Appointment during COVID-19? It is ironic that one of...

How to Treat Yourself with Compassion

How to Treat Yourself with Compassion In our fast-paced, goal-oriented world, it is easy to criticize yourself if you...

Prioritizing Anxiety Mitigation as Part of Pain Management

Prioritizing Anxiety Mitigation as Part of Pain Management If you have suffered from chronic pain, then you know that...

The Impact of Gluten on Joint Pain

The Impact of Gluten on Joint Pain In recent years, many people have begun to point to gluten as...

Steps to Safely Manage Your Medication

Steps to Safely Manage Your Medication It is quite common to take a medication for a health condition. For...