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The Impact of Smoking on Chronic Pain

The Impact of Smoking on Chronic Pain There is a strong relationship between smoking and chronic pain. Although 22...

Nutrition’s Impact on Healing

Nutrition’s Impact on Healing Most of us assume that we are getting enough nutrients in our modern, American diet...

Low Impact Exercise to Maintain Fitness While Injured

Low Impact Exercise to Maintain Fitness While Injured It used to be accepted wisdom that if you injured yourself...

COVID-19: What is Viral load?

COVID-19: What is Viral load? After more than two years into the COVID-19 global pandemic, you have probably heard...

Importance of Vitamin D and How to Get It

Importance of Vitamin D and How to Get It Almost every American child has been reminded by a parent,...

Impact of Posture on Chronic Pain

Impact of Posture on Chronic Pain If you are like a lot of people, you probably spend much of...

Ways to Support a Loved One with Chronic Pain

Ways to Support a Loved One with Chronic Pain Chronic pain can make any relationship more difficult. You always...

Type 2 Diabetes in America

Type 2 Diabetes in America Considering the scope of the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is far too easy to...

Childhood Obesity and What Parents Can Do to Help Kids Make Healthy Choices

Childhood Obesity and What Parents Can Do to Help Kids Make Healthy Choices Every parent wants their child to...

The Connection between Nutrition and Mood

The Connection between Nutrition and Mood It seems logical that what goes into our bodies would affect our brains...