pain management - Colorado Pain Care

The Science Behind Chronic and Acute Pain Treatments

Pain is such a commonplace experience that almost everyone is familiar with time-honored remedies like icing, rest or aspirin....

Jaime LeComte, MSN, APN, FNP-BC

EDUCATION Arizona State University – BS Kinesiology Pasadena City Collete – AS – Nursing Grand Canyon University – BSN...
pain management treatments - Colorado Pain Care

Non-Invasive Pain Management Techniques

Pain is, for most people, an intermittent interruption, but, for those who endure chronic pain, it can be an...
joint pain Colorado Pain Care

How The Change of Seasons Affects Joint Pain

If you are living with joint pain conditions like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, then you probably already know that...
back pain - Colorado Pain Care

Signs Your Back Pain Is a Serious Problem

Almost everyone encounters back pain at some point in their lives. However, only a fraction of these will require...
lower back pain exercises - Colorado Pain Care

Exercises That Provide Significant Lower Back Pain Relief

Much of the world struggles with lower back pain, and almost everyone is eager to find a program that...
chornic pain and sleep - Colorado Pain Care

Is Chronic Pain the Cause of My Sleep Disorder?

If you are suffering from a chronic pain condition, it is not surprising that you will also have some...
spinal headaches - Colorado Pain Care

The Symptoms and Causes of Spinal Headaches

If you have undergone a spinal tap or epidural block procedure, your doctor may have warned you that you...
chronic pain relief - Colorado Pain Care

Seven Treatments to Help Relieve Chronic Pain

Everyone experiences pain at some point in their lives, but for an unfortunate group of people, pain is a...
knee pain causes - Colorado Pain Care

The Most Common Causes of Knee Pain

Your knee is an exquisite piece of engineering.  The joint where the femur, tibia and patella meet also includes...