Genicular Artery Embolization

What is GAE?

Genicular Artery Embolization, or GAE, is a procedure that closes these bad blood vessels. This cuts down inflammation and painful nerve signals. Arthritis in the knee and total knee replacements can cause inflammation. This inflammation can cause tiny new blood vessels around the knee that are abnormal. These new blood vessels may cause knee pain.

Is GAE for me?

Genicular Artery Embolization (GAE) is a great, low risk, outpatient option for patients. It is useful for people who have failed knee steroid, visco/gel injections, or even a knee replacement.

What to Expect

The GAE procedure itself isn’t very painful. There is a small sting when numbing the skin. After that there isn’t any pain. It is very similar to an IV in your arm or hand, except it’s done in the leg. Contrast is injected so we can find abnormal arteries that need to be treated. Small sterile beads are injected to block the abnormal arteries. These beads are about the width of a human hair.

Recovery After the Procedure

A GAE treatment typically takes between a half hour and an hour. There may be redness over the skin after treatment Ice packs will help after the procedure.

Important Information to Know

  • GAE is done in the office
  • You walk out with just a small Band-Aid
  • It’s low risk
  • You can see relief in 1-2 weeks