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Why Do We Feel Pain

Why Do We Feel Pain? Most people recognize that pain as a physiological phenomenon is unpleasant but necessary for...

Frozen Shoulder Pain Relief

Frozen Shoulder Pain Relief If you are experiencing pain or stiffness in your shoulder joint, then you may be...

How To Choose the Right Pain Specialist

How to Choose the Right Pain Specialist With almost one in five American adults experiencing chronic pain, it is...

Traveling with Chronic Pain

Traveling with Chronic Pain Chronic pain may interfere with daily activities, but for millions of people who live with...

The Stigma Of Living with Chronic Pain

The Stigma of Living with Chronic Pain It would seem that physical discomfort and emotional duress should be enough...

Energy, Fatigue, and Pain

Energy, Fatigue, and Pain If you have endured pain for any length of time, you know that one of...

The Scope and Purpose of the Colorado Medical Board

The Scope and Purpose of the Colorado Medical Board The state of Colorado prides itself on maintaining only the...

How to Manage Chronic Pain in Young Children

How to Manage Chronic Pain in Young Children It can be difficult to deal with ongoing pain as an...

Non-surgical Treatments for Scoliosis

Non-surgical Treatments for Scoliosis If your child is diagnosed with a sideways curvature of the spine, also known as...

The Benefits of Stretching for Chronic Pain

The Benefits of Stretching for Chronic Pain In our hectic lives, it is extremely difficult to set aside time...