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Pre- and Post-Procedure Therapy

Whether you are scheduled for a minimally invasive procedure or a more complex surgery, research supports participating in physical...

Patient Education

We believe that the best patient is the informed patient. We strive to provide our patients with the education...

Orthopedic & Sports Injury Rehabilitation

Our therapists are experienced in the management of your orthopedic conditions and sports and activity-related injuries. From acute sprains...

Myofascial Cupping

Cupping is performed using silicone or plastic cups via static or dynamic techniques to create a vacuum effect and...

Functional Movement Analysis

Our therapy team believes in addressing your whole body as a system in addition to its individual parts. Objective...

Augmentative Modalities

Your therapy may include the use of heat/cold therapy, electrical stimulation modalities, taping techniques, or mechanical traction. Heat/cold therapy...

Acute & Chronic Pain Management

Our therapists are experienced in the management of both acute and chronic pain conditions. Whether you have been dealing...