Legalized Marijuana reduces opioid use denver co

Legalized Marijuana Reduces Opioid Use

The body of scientific research strongly suggests that the opioid epidemic that is ravaging communities across the country is...
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Celebrities that Suffered from Chronic Pain

Most of us like to believe that famous people are immune to the challenges that plague the rest of...
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Most Common Chronic Pain Conditions

Chronic pain is one of the most common ailments, affecting more than 100 million Americans. What may have begun...
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The Rising Cost of the Opioid Epidemic

The magnitude of the ongoing opioid crisis is almost beyond understanding. In 2015, more than 15,000 people died from...

Robert Moghim, M.D.

Co-Founder & CEO of Colorado Pain Care Founder Moghim Medical Consulting Inc Founder Onyx M.D. (Onyx Healthcare) Former Member...

Jason Krutsch, M.D.

Board Certified in Anesthesia and Pain Management Co-Founder & Medical Director of Colorado Pain Care Patients’ Choice 5th Anniversary...

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