
The Impact of Gluten on Joint PainThe Impact of Gluten on Joint Pain

The Impact of Gluten on Joint Pain

The Impact of Gluten on Joint Pain In recent years, many people have begun to point to gluten as the…

Melissa McClain
The Importance of Spring Cleaning for Chronic Pain PatientsThe Importance of Spring Cleaning for Chronic Pain Patients

The Importance of Spring Cleaning for Chronic Pain Patients

The Importance of Spring Cleaning for Chronic Pain Patients The warmer months are finally upon us, and that means that…

Melissa McClain
Steps to Safely Manage Your MedicationSteps to Safely Manage Your Medication

Steps to Safely Manage Your Medication

Steps to Safely Manage Your Medication It is quite common to take a medication for a health condition. For people…

Melissa McClain
Living with Phantom Limb PainLiving with Phantom Limb Pain

Living with Phantom Limb Pain

Living with Phantom Limb Pain If you are unfortunate enough to require a limb amputation, then you understand that the…

Melissa McClain
A Deeper Look at Compression FracturesA Deeper Look at Compression Fractures

A Deeper Look at Compression Fractures

A Deeper Look at Compression Fractures As we age, the continual process of replacing bone tissue slows down causing your…

Melissa McClain
Moderna Vs. Pfizer VaccineModerna Vs. Pfizer Vaccine

Moderna Vs. Pfizer Vaccine

Moderna Vs. Pfizer Vaccine Throughout most of the world in the past year, the dominant story has been the COVID-19…

Melissa McClain
Arthritis vs. BursitisArthritis vs. Bursitis

Arthritis vs. Bursitis

Arthritis vs. Bursitis Your joints are very complex, anatomical structures. As such, when you begin experiencing joint pain, it is…

Melissa McClain
Sharp Pain vs. Burning Pain; Causes, Symptoms and TreatmentsSharp Pain vs. Burning Pain; Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Sharp Pain vs. Burning Pain; Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Sharp Pain vs. Burning Pain; Causes, Symptoms and Treatments If you have lived for any appreciable length of time, you…

Melissa McClain
Navigating Post-Surgical Pain: When to Seek Pain ManagementNavigating Post-Surgical Pain: When to Seek Pain Management

Navigating Post-Surgical Pain: When to Seek Pain Management

Navigating Post-Surgical Pain: When to Seek Pain Management There is almost always some pain following a surgical procedure, but this…

Melissa McClain
Benefits of Strength Training for Older AdultsBenefits of Strength Training for Older Adults

Benefits of Strength Training for Older Adults

Benefits of Strength Training for Older Adults Whether you are an older person with chronic pain or not, you can…

Melissa McClain