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What is the McKenzie Method of Physical Therapy?

What is the McKenzie Method of Physical Therapy? If you suffer from neck or back pain, then you may...

Positive Effects of Proper Hydration

Positive Effects of Proper Hydration There is a common piece of advice that you should drink 8 glasses of...

Pfizer Booster Update

Pfizer Booster Update If you thought the COVID-19 pandemic was mostly over, there is some bad news. Although the...

What You Can Do to Help Your Children Safely Return to School this Fall

What You Can Do to Help Your Children Safely Return to School this Fall It is almost fall which...

Risks Associated with the Delta Variant

Risks Associated with the Delta Variant The COVID-19 pandemic has brought much of the world to a standstill in...

A PTSD Success Story: War Hero Dakota Meyer Says a Stellate Ganglion Block Saved His Life

A PTSD Success Story: War Hero Dakota Meyer Says a Stellate Ganglion Block Saved His Life You may have...

Opioid Crisis during the COVID Pandemic

Opioid Crisis during the COVID Pandemic To date, the COVID-19 pandemic has sickened at least 189 million people and...

Stellate Ganglion Nerve Blocks for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Stellate Ganglion Nerve Blocks for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder If you have experienced a very traumatic event in your life...

What Measures Can I Take to Safely Attend a Doctor’s Appointment during COVID-19?

What Measures Can I Take to Safely Attend a Doctor’s Appointment during COVID-19? It is ironic that one of...

How to Treat Yourself with Compassion

How to Treat Yourself with Compassion In our fast-paced, goal-oriented world, it is easy to criticize yourself if you...